Wood to metal fit isn't anything to write home about but doesn't look as bad as yours sounds. I know what you mean, the butt plate is sharp enough to skin a deer with. If I have time to sight in, etc I may take it hunting in regular deer or elk season. Didn't draw the blackpowder tag I put in for so there's not a lot of pressure this year. I have one, haven't had a chance to shoot it. Like i said, mine has SHARP Rifling, Looking down the Bore resembles Shark, or Alligator Teeth 😁 Cuts through my Patches and Scars the Jag This is the kind of accuracy i get from mine at 50-60 Yards, from 450 Grain Bullets to 650 Grain, Hard or Soft lead it doesn’t matter, The Rifle FLAT OUT Shoots 👍 It will Hold it’s own with ANYTHING i have If it wasn’t for my Lyman GP “Hunter” Shooting so well, i could EASILY Let it go and never think about it again, But this Rifle Shoots INCREDIBLY Good, as good as ANY Muzzleloader i own (and that’s a BUNCH) 54 Cal on Gunbroker, Brand new from an Estate, I hit the BUY IT NOW 👍 54 GM LRH in nearly 3 Years of DAILY searching! I finally gave up and Bought the Lyman Plains, 1 week after Buying the Lyman i found a GM LRH in. 45s and 50s all day, any day, But NOT 1 single. 54 Cal Hawken Stock, But the 54 LRH Barrels were LITERALLY Scarce as Hens teeth, I could find the. 54 Cal Barrel (1:28 Fast Twist) To fit in a TC Renegade, or. The Rifling in my Gun is SHARP.īack when I bought this one I really wanted a Green Mountain LRH.

The Crescent Butt Plate on mine was Sharp Enough to Gut, and Skin a Deer, That was 1 of the very first things i changed, I removed it, Rounded the Knife edge off, Reblued it and installed a Leather Lace Up Pad. 54 Cal (Fast Twist) I was somewhat disappointed with this one as well, But after some Modifications, and tinkering with it i have learned to like it.